# PUPY ~ Pretty Useful Python

This package (pupy) is full of Pretty Useful Python.

## These things

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## Installin’

Installing is EZPZ…

pip install pupy

If you plan on using Jason you can install ujson for a speed boost (if you wanna go fast; pupy uses the python-stdlib json if you wanna go slow)

pip install ujson

But wait theres more! Pupy has several optional dependencies for savings and loads which you can install with…

pip install ruamel.yaml # If ya mel in your spare time pip install msgpack # If you wanna pack messages pip install toml # toml (aka ‘that other markup language’(?)) pip install aiofiles # if you wanna do async stuff

## Testimonials

‘Ahead of the curve.’ -Haley who goes to Harvard

‘huh?’ -Tim Apple

‘If I were stranded on a dessert island and had to pick between having a copy pupy or a thing of water I would pick the water, but if I didn’t have to pick it wouldn’t hurt to have.’ -Ryan of the fro with his fro

‘I can’t say google wouldn’t not go down if it weren’t for pupy.’ -Ben W from the g-suite

‘A literary masterpiece on par with my second greatest work finite jest.’ -Bananas Foster Wallace

‘Best place for python savings and loads in the tri-content area.’ -Genghis Khan